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Posts published in aprilie 2013

Model Proces-Verbal informare despre avantajele medierii

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 PROCES – VERBAL Nr. ……….  / ………………  *

Încheiat astăzi, data …………….., ora ……… conform prevederilor art. 2 alin.(11) din Legea 192/2006 cu modificările şi completările ulterioare.

In baza solicitării formulate în data de ............................................ domnului/doamnei mediator ...……………………………………………………, autorizat prin hotărârea nr……din data..............……………a Consiliului de mediere, autorizaţie seria……nr…………… eliberată la data de .....………………. ,  a fost programată astăzi şedinţa de informare în acord cu prevederile legale, la care s-a prezentat:

I’m Heading for Divorce. How do I Start?

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by Rachel Virk

First, you need to see a lawyer.  Your friend or sibling who went through a divorce, your uncle who is a non-family law attorney in another state, your friend or family member who worked or works in a law office, your hairdresser, your mechanic, and your colleague, are not the best sources for information.

The settlement you will sign off on, or the Court Order you will obtain through litigation, will probably be the most important legal document to affect your life. You will be making on your own, or receiving from a judge, decisions as to your children, your retirement, your house, child support, alimony, and debt.  Make sure you do it right, whether through litigation or settlement with attorneys, or through alternative dispute resolution such as mediation or collaboration.

Once you are informed as to your options, and as to whether or not your goals are realistic, it is time to Make a Plan.  Your own plan.  Do not just react to how your spouse treats you on a day-to-day basis, or let him or her dictate the shape of your new life.  Emotional roller coasters are no fun to ride.

If you want to give a huge amount of your hard-earned money to lawyers, and if you want to create possible difficulties for yourself in court, you may want to or you may need to implement a nuclear, high conflict plan.

But if you and your spouse can work together, another option would be to discuss the possibility of mediation, or collaborative divorce, where each of you, with your own attorneys, can protect your individual interests, and resolve all of the issues regarding the dissolution of your marriage without either one of you making threats, or trying to grab more of the marbles.

No matter which plan you think may be best, be sure to get input from at least one attorney, before you start skipping down a road which may lead you right off of a cliff.  The direction in which you initially head will play a huge part in where you will eventually wind up.

Two rational, intelligent, emotionally healthy people getting a divorce, wouldn’t want to let the Court make all of the important decisions about their new, separated lives.  Litigation is expensive.  Attorney’s fees can be around $400.00 per hour, and billable in 15 minute increments.  That means that for your attorney to read a one page correspondence from the other attorney, and to mail a copy to you, you are paying that attorney $100.00, plus postage and copy paper.  That is actual money no longer in your pocket.  A contested fully litigated divorce case can cost you near $50,000.00.  Or double that.  Each.  Why would you spend your children’s college money, your retirement, or your home equity, to fight with your spouse in court?  Wouldn’t you rather take a cruise first class?

Here are some truths about litigation:

Five Steps Divorced Parents Can Take to Cool Down Holiday Conflict

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by Lorraine Segal

-We all have idealized images of the holiday season–perfect gifts and the warm glow of togetherness. But the gap between expectations and reality can be huge when parents are recently divorced, and grief, anger, and bitterness can intensify holiday stress. Your ex can seem particularly impossible to communicate with, and every conversation emotionally triggering.

Whatever you call these reactions– triggers, hot buttons, hooks–you know when your ex says or does something that “makes” you freeze in fear or hit the roof in anger. It is possible, however, to “cool down” these hot buttons, improve your conversations, and increase your holiday serenity in the process.

Here are 5 steps for cooling down holiday-intensified triggers.

Identify your hot buttons. We can’t change our response to hot buttons unless we know what they are. So, we start by thinking of a situation where your ex pushed your hot button. What did s/he do or say that set you off? Think about the facts (what happened or what was said) and feelings (how you felt, reacted.)
Now what? Unfortunately, other people generally won’t stop pushing our buttons once we’ve uncovered them, even if we ask nicely. So, I recommend steps 2-5.

Step 2 Tell your own story.

The next step is to understand the story you are telling yourself about what your ex’s intent was and what he/she thinks of you. This often involves some variation of your belief that he or she must think you are unimportant, incompetent, stupid, unlikable, or unworthy or a bad parent.

These internal stories are hurtful, and give hot buttons some of their power.

Step 3 Explore your underlying emotions (backstory).

Our childhood and earlier adult experiences are the true source of the intensity for current hot buttons. If your ex’s words or actions remind you of earlier hurtful events in your marriage or with other family members, or if the situation seems to repeat a negative pattern you’ve experienced somewhere before, you will probably react to the sum of all of those incidences, not simply to the present trigger. Looking at these past patterns increases your conscious awareness and understanding of what’s fueling your intense responses.

Step 4 Imagine a different story

Mediation in Commercial Disputes: is this Workable?

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by Mohammed Saleem Tariq

This article aims to provide detailed insight into the concept of mediation for corporations and likeminded entrepreneurs. Whether the dispute is over an amount of money owed or over the supply of goods and services, the process of mediation remains rooted. Due to this characteristic, this article will proceed to filter similar commercial disputes through the mediation process in order to expose and evaluate not just the benefits that attach but any doubts the process could cast and balance this in favour of the former.


In everyday economy, business survival depends on meeting consumer demands, high profits and its relationship with its suppliers. Keeping costs down means everything must run smoothly. In the same breath, it is expected for these costs to spiral out of control, should a company fail to make scheduled payments or should the supplier fail to manufacture goods and deliver them on time. The immediate response would be to search for a lawyer and proceed with litigation. In the end, communications breakdown, business relationships become un-repairable. There is no guarantee that the one party would claim victory over the other or for damage outside the dispute, to be successfully controlled. In perspective, one must appreciate neither party would be comfortable reaching deep into their pockets to fund the case going to court.

Mediation Defined

Mediation, like its counterparts of arbitration and negotiation, is classed as an alternative form of dispute resolution (ADR). They are the alternatives to going to court. Many have offered definitions of mediation, but the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) offers a more fuller account defining mediation as ‘...a flexible process conducted confidentially in which a neutral person actively assists parties in working towards a negotiated agreement of a dispute or difference, with the parties in ultimate control of the decision to settle and the terms of the resolution.’

Disputes in mediation should normally filter through the following four stage process:

Mediator Mustateanu in reportaj la Antena 1

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In materialul video ce reprezinta un reportaj al televiziunii Antena 1 si care a aparut in Observatorul de astazi, Mediatorul Petru Mustateanu prezinta posibilitatea prin care un conflict intre asigurat…


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1. Scopul si rolul informarii.
Principiul informarii este o necesitate pentru ca procedura MEDIERII si modul de
actiune al mediatorului sa fie cunoscute de parti PREALABIL DECIZIEI lor DE A
PARTICIPA la MEDIERE. Principiul informarii guverneaza activitatea mediatorului
de la primul contact cu partile si pana la finalizarea medierii.
Ca efect al noilor reglementari in materie, principiul informarii a fost consacrat ca fiind
obligatie legala pentru parti atat inainte de declansarea unui proces in instanta cat si la
solicitarea instantei, pe parcursul procesului
Scopul informarii este ca mediatorul sa aduca la cunostinta partilor avantajele, efectele,
regulile si limitele medierii adaptat la situatia lor concreta.
Continutul informarii cu privire la mediere, VA CUPRINDE, fara a se limita, elementele
RELEVANTE CU PRIVIRE LA DEFINIREA medierii si principiile acesteia, rolul
mediatorului, drepturile si obligatiile partilor, avantajele medierii, efectele juridice ale
acordului de mediere, posibilitatea obtinerii pe cale necontencioasa a unei hotarari
autentificarii DE CATRE notarul public A ACORDULUI REZULTAT DIN MEDIERE.
Părţile au libertatea sa isi aleaga mediatorul. Sursa oficiala pentru alegerea mediatorului este
tabloul mediatorilor autorizati intocmit de Consiliul de mediere publicat pe site-ul institutiei:

Malpraxisul medical in vizorul mediatorilor

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Numărul în creştere al cazurilor de malpraxis deschide o piaţă importantă pentru mediatorii din România. Prima ediţie a Conferinţei internaţionale organizată de Asociaţia Europeană a Mediatorilor pe acest subiect a fost un bun prilej pentru identificarea problemelor şi stabilirea unui dialog între părţile implicate în acest proces.

Malpraxisul medical a intrat în ultimii ani în atenţia publicului din România, în special prin intermediul mass media, care a prezentat, uneori excesiv, cazuri în care medicii au comis erori grave, care s-au soldat cu moartea sau cu sechele permanente pentru pacienţi. Mediatizarea acestor cazuri, pe fondul unui sistem medical tot mai afectat de lipsa de resurse financiare şi umane, a creat o imagine defavorabilă instituţiei medicului. Oamenii au aflat că pot da în judecată doctorii pentru malpraxis şi numărul plângerilor a crescut foarte mult, uneori întemeiat, alteori nu.

Ameninţaţi de spectrul obligaţiei de a plăti despăgubiri de zeci sau sute de mii de euro, medicii au încheiat asigurări de malpraxis, care să îi protejeze în cazul comiterii unei erori. La fel au făcut şi pacienţii, care au devenit mai conştienţi de pericolele, uneori inerente, ce le afectează viaţa.

Drumul de la sesizare unui caz de malpraxis până la

Birou de Mediator Bucuresti

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1. Ce este medierea si care este procedura de mediere? Medierea este o procedura eficienta si necostisitoare de solutionare a conflictelor prin care se evita apelarea la judecata obisnuita. La…


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In loc de ,,moto”:      ,,Asta e măreţia dreptului, toate legile lasă loc de interpretare”

                                                                       Augustin Zegrean, 20 august 2012

Chiar asa sa fie? Inţelegerea şi respectarea legilor de către cetăţeni presupune un sistem juridic cu legi clare, coerente, neechivoce si stabile iar o lege confuza, cu una sau mai multe ,,portiţe” încurajează interpretarea subiectivă in functie de interesele personale sau de grup si, in final, conduce la nerespectarea ori ignorarea ei.

Pe de alta parte, oricât de bine ar fi elaborata o lege, aceasta nu poate să prevadă toate situatiile la care urmează să se aplice. In practica dreptului, cazurile particulare sau chiar lipsa de claritate a legii poate fi suplinită insa printr-o operatiune logico-rationala, obligatorie, care este definita ca  ,,interpretarea legii”. Prin aceasta se lamureste sensul si intelesul exact al dispozitiilor cuprinse in lege si se ofera si solutiile juridice corespunzatoare fiecarui tip de cazuri sau spete. In teoria generala a dreptului avem un capitol special referitor la interpetarea si aplicarea dreptului astfel ca voi trece rapid peste multele clasificari si criterii, retinand ca:

Dupa formă, interpretarea legii poate fi: oficială sau neoficială –in functie de puterea/forta juridica a interpretarii si literală, extensivă sau restrictivă- dupa rezultatul la care se ajunge prin interpretare;

Dupa  metoda folosită, cele mai importante sunt: